idis.mp3 - achuru to erurin
Minggu, 29 November 2009
Jumat, 27 November 2009
99,8 ジョカー FM
オタク nitez
20.00-21.00 WIB
Of course it's not real, it's for our TIK homework, and we must make a group of two, and then we make an off-air radio records. Our radio's name is JOKER FM 99,8 FM. I told them if JOKER is short for "Jakarta kOta KERen" (Jakarta Cool City LOL), but originally I was inspired by JOKER (Alfred F. JOnes & Arthur KIRkland) from Hetalia. Yes, it was very unimportant. Don;t tell them btw ;) *slapped*
Note : but, it must be JOKIR not JOKER. Hahahahahaha some of Javanese phrase?? X'DDD
And, We just recorded first 4 parts, and there are about 3 parts left ;;A;;
It's a bilingual radio, so Erlin will speak in Japanese, and I'll translate into Indonesian. And yeah, my translation is really really horrible. I have a very childish voice too btw, and sometimes you'll hear me a little bit nyolot (what's the english for this?? Bad-mouthed??) =v=;;
Wish me luck in our radio program anyone! >v<
And, I dunno how to upload a sound file here. Maybe I'll just give you the link to some audio sharing sites like esnips or OvO
I'll upload it tomorrow, because I have a Japanese exam tomorrow and I haven't prepare it yet =v=;;d
And also! I'll update about its cover too! Featuring mine and Erlin's OC <3
I don't know how to make my voice more slow ORZ
(I'll start my voice training like Apollo Justice LOLOLOL)
Kamis, 26 November 2009
equipment :)
Okay, in this post, I'll introduce some of my best friend in my drawing and doodle progress :)
The first one is the most important things for traditional drawing. Yeah, paper!
I usually using any HVS paper nearby because that's cheap and you can buy it everywhere LOL. But my pics are often lost, so I decided to change it into A4 Kiki Sketchbook. And, also this is cheaper than other sketchbook in the bookstore coughcoughcough. Yeah, I'm poor... :(
I usually using any HVS paper nearby because that's cheap and you can buy it everywhere LOL. But my pics are often lost, so I decided to change it into A4 Kiki Sketchbook. And, also this is cheaper than other sketchbook in the bookstore coughcoughcough. Yeah, I'm poor... :(
In the pic was Lyra A4 sketchbook, but I'm not using it anymore because it has *coughcough* bad quality of paper *coughcough* and I always having a bad result of scanning :(
And yeah, you can take a look the difference..

Lyra Sketch Book
(It's too dark btw D8 and because it's just a pencil sketch, editing this picture is a painful ;A;)

HVS Paper 70 gr
Pic 1 : that was my gift art for my school friend, Andrea or you can call her Kanone or whatever~ *slapped*
Pic 1 : that was my gift art for my school friend, Andrea or you can call her Kanone or whatever~ *slapped*
Looks better than the first one rite?? :)
Pic 2 : Looks normal, right? But let's take a closer look at the below the butterfly, above the table... and, WAHHH!! There's a ghost!! ;A;
Actually that's not a ghost... I drawing something behind the paper, and the scan result was... like this ORZ ORZ

A4 Sketchbook Kiki
I love this result the best :)
It's easiest to editing LOLOLOL <--lazy And... Lineart looks thicker? It's not my scanner's fault, that's because I changed my style from semi-shoujo style into shounen style which has thicker lineart :)
I love this result the best :)
It's easiest to editing LOLOLOL <--lazy And... Lineart looks thicker? It's not my scanner's fault, that's because I changed my style from semi-shoujo style into shounen style which has thicker lineart :)
And maybe if you doing a lot of traditional works, I recommend you to using a little bit more expensive paper like Canson to get the best result...
Yeah, some of my friends are traditional artist, and you can check their works at their deviantart~ (and what I write here is their nicknames LOLOL)
the next is... COLOR PEN!!
Yeah, not only for drawings, I use them a lot for doodling! :D
Yeah, not only for drawings, I use them a lot for doodling! :D
And yeah, almost 85% the things in my pencil case is this items LOLOLOL
First pic :
That was my newly discovered doodling tools, It called MAPED COLOUR PEPS!
First I just bought it because the Stabilo pen is too expensive for me ORZ, and I just bought two colour of it.
And, I love it! The design is simple and easy to use, the colour is good and attractive... And most of all, IT'S CHEAP!!! XDDD *slapped*
Second pic :
my other various colouring tools, that was :
- Stabilo pen. But because it's expensive I just have three colours of it :(
- Penciltic, it has 8 colours but the ink isn't waterproof... Yeah, not a big problem I know..
- Snowman board marker, for colouring big areas.
- Snowman white marker, honestly I don't know what I must do with this pen... Because I usually use it to wrote my names on the text books LOLOLOL
- Snowman red spidol
- Erasable violet stabilo
Next, this is my drawing pen. Because I rarely do traditional art, so I just use this pen to make my art assignment LOL
I bought it at Mal Artha Gading, it was one packet called 'manga packet' or whatever, and the special price is just Rp. 75.000,- (about $7,5)
Still expensive, I know... But luckily my father bought it for me LOL
The next is, of course pencil and eraser.
I prefer mechanical pencil than a normal pencil, because I'm too lazy to sharpen it =___=;; *slapped*
I prefer mechanical pencil than a normal pencil, because I'm too lazy to sharpen it =___=;; *slapped*
I have a lot of mechanical pencils, but I love this one very much :)
It was a present from my friend Audrey, and she choose the green colour because she knows that I love green colour very much :)
It was a present from my friend Audrey, and she choose the green colour because she knows that I love green colour very much :)
Lastly, the tools to do some digital arts :)
There is my laptop, and I call him (?) Ludwig LOLOLOL
For the tablet, I using Genius tablet, and that's originally not mine, but that my brother's. Because he rarely using it, so I'll take it LOLOLOL
The scanner, sadly it's not mine too, it's my uncle's (I'm really poor LOL). He gave me that's scanner because he's not using it again in his office.
Rabu, 25 November 2009
Changing Layout 8DDD
Hiya thereeee~~ 8DDD
I change my blog layout, looks more simple, rite?? 8DDDD
Yeah, the main reason of changing blog layout is... Maybe I'll submit more my fanarts and drawings, and I think the old layout isn't compatible with that LOL
and then... Maybe I'll start using english. I know my english sucks btw D8

SasoDeii... Yeah, long time not drawing Naruto fanart LOLOL

Sabtu, 14 November 2009
Benda berwarna biru itu namanya telepon umum
Pada hari Sabtu kemaren, tampak 2 orang bocah aneh bengong di halte Wahidin. Siapa lagi kalo bukan gw ama Olgi yang nunggu bis Senen-Cileungsi coba?? XDDD (liat post yang gw tag bis legendaris LOLOLOL)
Nah, pas gw nunggu bis ajaib ini, tiba2 ujan en terpaksa gw berteduh. Gw berteduh di semacem tempat telepon umum gitu. Mulanya si gw ngobrol ama Olgi seperti biasa, ngerandom. Eh perhatian gw mulai tertuju ama nih telepon umum.
Mulai deh gw ngubek2 isi Pochi *dompet koin gw
LOL* sampe dompet beneran, en akhirnya gw nemuin beberapa koin receh. Ya udah gw coba deh...
Mbak : halo~
Mbak : ????
Gw : halo mbak, aku ngetes telepon umum ni hahahahahhaha~ dadaaaaahhhhh~
...dan telepon gw tutup. Geje sangat, gw taw.
dan Olgi yang melihat gw camen ikutan berbuat hal yang sama. Kali ini dia masukkin gopek.
Mami Olgi (MO) : halo?
MO : ???
Olgi : ma, aku lagi nyoba telepon umum koin nih, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ayo ngobrol ma~
MO : dasar kamu aneh~ udah, mama tutup yah!
Olgi : EHHHH, TUNGGU TUNGGU!! *lirik phone credit di layar* MASI SISA 400 LAGI NI!! Sayang kan?? Ayo ngomong apa aja deh ma!!
MO : Selamat siang.
Olgi : masa gitu doang? Sayang ni masi 400 aaaaa~~ <--pelit abis
MO : ya udah, kamu deh gantian ngomong!
...Percakapan dipotong di sini, karena udah panjang, isinya ga penting lagi. Intinya kita bercamen2 ria sampe gw kehabisan duit receh. Kalo ditotal2 ada kali gw abis lima rebu wakakakakakakakakakak XDDDD
Okeh, masa camen gw berakhir. Sekarang gw mau randoming soal game yang baru aja dikasi Erlin.

Meski kayaknya game utamanya Phoenix Wright, tapi sepertinya gw lebih demen Apollo Justice ato Miles Edgeworth deh *3* -disepak-
aaaaaaaa Apollo ukee aaaaaa~ *random sangat, I know*

Not a major character, muncul di Turnabout Serenade (Apollo Justice)
errrrr, anda ga kenal? Sama dong, saya juga ga kenal lalalalalalala~~
(Maksud hati mau gambar Machi Tobaye, tapi kalo ga mirip ya udah deh, anggap aja OC gw ORZ)

(fake doujin preview. Hope I can finish this D:)
Shinatty, oh shinatty~
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