HEYHO!! Today is christmas day!! woohooooooo!! *caramelldansen*
well, I don't really have something surprising for this christmas, really.. Or just because I'm already too old?? LOL
yes, when I still a little kid, I stayed up until midnight to wait santa claus come to my house. And my mother always said,
"Just go to sleep, I'll keep your gift from santa and tell your message to santa. Did you have some message for him?"
and I'll answer, "I wanna -insertsomeselfishgifthere-! Thanks anyway!"
And I went to my bedroom. Since I'm not a good kid, I'll woke up around 5 a.m (I can't woke up earlier than that when I was a child LOL) and disappointed because santa isn't there. And my mother, once again will said :
"too bad, santa is already go back to north pole."
Yeah, I thought it was funny memories to remember XDDDD
So, next year is 2010.
I'll be seventeen in June. Please come to my sweet seventeen party >w< (thought it still a long time)
I'll be 12th grader in July/August. Hope I'll get a good score and will study harder ;w;
And so, I make an art summary meme in dA :

I.. I know my art isn't really good, but I'm proud to submit this XD
I'm too lazy to copy paste my comments per months here, so if you wanna read about that, just come to my
deviantart page >w< *slapped*
I.. I really dunno how to say it.. But I really touched when I look at my old drawings... It's so bad so I wanna cry LOLOLOLOLOL
No, Not because of that! I'm touched because I just learned how to colouring in digital since 6 months ago, and now I can't live without digital colouring! Wuahhhhhhh TT//^//TT
I'll improve my art skills so I won't lose to other deviantARTIST that I stalkered!!
And also, I'm chatted yesterday at twitter with
Ageha-san and
Vai-san about
alay (if you dunno what's
alay, go google it because I dunno how to explain this word LOLOL), I asked them to open
my fanfiction.net account to saw how alay I am (??).
(It's hard to explain but... Yeah, I'm alay when I still on the junior high school. Badly influenced with my alay friends Tachon and Kumel *slapped*)
So, at the first Ageha-san laughed so hard when read my profile (and I'm laughing too... But strangely I didn't edit or delete that profile LOL), but after read some of my fanfic, she praise me .////.
Uh yeah, all of my fanfiction written in semi-alay language (?), but somehow I feel happy when read all of the comments, unread or already I read. And maybe I have some kind things called 'flashback'.
I really excited when i received comment on my
first fanfiction ever, replying "thank you!!" several times to all my readers, met all of
my multiply friends, joined
infantrum (I hope it's still exist), act like detective to solve
the fire flamer case, and climax is... I know that The Fire Flamer isn't a total outsider for me.. It's one of my bestfriends, and she have some strong motive to do that (and I agreed with her). And then, I quit fanfiction.net and start to write my fanfiction on
my multiply blog.
I know I hate the way I wrote them, but if you have a time, please take a look and tell me what do you think about my fanfiction ;u;
because I wanna start making fanfiction again <3
And, all of the story above is more than 1 years ago LOLOLOL
I have soooooo many stories to tell you, but I dunno want to start from where (maybe I'll make a novel about it? LOL). If you wanna know it, please tell me and I'll be happily tell it for you >w<
And.. this new year babbling post will be continue <3
thank for reading ! >3<