So, I was with my dormitory's friends, or my kouhai, or (again) my "step" sisters LOL. We were waiting for the bus in front of our dorm, and suddenly one of them called me.
"Sis, look at that."
So I looked at the flag that she show me. Because Indonesian's ex-president is died, so we all Indonesian must half-raised our flag (bendera setengah tiang LOL) to express our gratitude to him. But, I found this near my dorm :
three days has passed, and the flag is still... Like that. ==;;
Berikutnya, gw bahasa Indonesiain aja ya biar seru. Abis pake bahasa Inggris jadi garing krik krik gitu~
Jadi, di tengah pelajaran ekonometri, gw duduk samping Kachank, Erlin en Christy. Nah pas lagi belajar tentang teori indeks harga gitu, tauk2 si guru ngebahas satu rumus yang dinamain rumus Marshall-Edgeworth. Langsung deh gw ketawa2 X'DDD
dan mulailah si Kachank ngigo~
Bu Nur : ada pertanyaan, anak2??
Kachank : ada bu! *angkat tangan* itu Marshall-Edgeworth itu nama orang??
Bu Nur : *cengok* ya iyalah, ini nama dua orang, satunya Marshall dan satunya Edgeworth.
Kachank : *ngikik* kalo gitu.. Nama panjangnya Edgeworth siapa?
Bu Nur : ...gatau, belom kenalan.
terus Bu Nur ngejayus lagi,
Bu Nur : nama panjangnya ya?? Eddddddddddddgewooooooooooorrrrtttthhhhhhh~~~
LOLOLOL sumpe gw ga bosen belajar di kelas IPS2 8'DDD
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